DRI Cómputo Suc Solidaridad Versión de Odoo 12.0

Información sobre DRI Cómputo Suc Solidaridad instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.

Aplicaciones instalados

Odoo Send Whatsapp Message
Odoo app send Whatsapp Message for Sale, Invoice, Payment and customer due balance
Facebook Catalog Integration
Facebook Catalog Integration allows you to send the products of odoo as feeds into facebook Market.
Facebook Pixel Integration
Odoo Facebook Pixel Integration is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your Odoo website.
Import Stock Inventory Adjustment From CSV/Xlsx/Xls
Import Stock Inventory Adjustment Which Help You To Adjust Your Inventory Adjustments With In Few Minutes. You Can Prepare The CSV/Xlsx/Xls File For The Import Time.
Alan custom
Theme Alan models
Seguimiento de clientes potenciales y oportunidades próximas
Sitio web
Enterprise website builder
Organice y programe sus proyectos
Website Search Autocomplete
Website e-commerce search autocomplete with high-light match words and image
Gestione sus actividades de stock y logística.
Facturas y pagos
Fabricar Órdenes & Listas de Materiales
De presupuestos a facturas
Punto de venta
Tablet POS: shops and restaurants
Comercio electrónico
Venda sus productos online
Órdenes de compra, licitaciones y acuerdos.
Centralice la información de los empleados
Account Financial Reports
OCA Financial Reports
Centralice su libreta de direcciones
Bulk Cancel Quotations
Import Sales Order Lines from Excel or CSV File in odoo
Easy to Import multiple sales order lines on Odoo by Using CSV/XLS file
Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
Conekta Payment Acquirer
Payment Acquirer: Conekta / OXOO Cash Payment
Quick Product Published
Quick Publishing and Unpublishing feature of product for eCommerce Module
Customer Account Statement
Bank Statement, Accounts Statement, Customer Bank Statement, Client Statement, Contact Statement, Overdue Statement, Account Statement Report, Partner Statement of Account, Bank Account Detail Report, Bank Details Odoo
Sale Order Internal Reference Remove from Description
Sale Order Remove Internal Reference No App, Remove Sale Order Product Code Module, Delete SO Internal Reference No Description, Remove Sales Internal Reference No From Description Odoo
Unique Product Alert
we build a module that provides you any field in product will be unique.
Marketing por email
Diseñar, enviar y gestionar correos electrónicos
Programar reuniones de empleados
Publique eventos, venda tiquetes